Sunday, August 9, 2009

Roadside Grubb Horrors #2

In-N-Out Animal Style French Fries

To society's great benefit, In-N-Out Burger’s "Animal Style" meals aren't listed on the menu and -- like a 1930s speakeasy -- can only be accessed by those in the know. But to consume French fries smothered in cheese, sauteed onions and Thousand Island dressing is to die a little inside - emotionally and physically.

Tastes like: Cafeteria grease traps inside a Chicago middle school.


  1. For your use on your next roadtrip.


  2. Yeow, this is a bad combination. I am a practicing PA and I can tell you, a daily diet of this will KILL you. I just don't know what to say when a restaurant serves this and people eat this. I am not about to say we need a law to stop suicide, but this is the dietary equivalent of death. I will also admit that I have eaten about as bad when my family and I have taken trips to see my husband's inlaws. No wonder it's not printed on the menu.

    Betty in St Lucie

  3. I desire this. Pepe.
